A key aspect of managing an organization is implementing efficient processes and reliable productivity standards. Without question, IT plays a huge role in the efficiency of an organization.
Case in point: IT downtime costs organizations huge sums of money yearly and can also be a leading indicator of even more inefficiencies to come. Do you understand the effect downtime has on what you do?
Outdated Technology
Outdated hardware and software often lead to compatibility problems, slowed processes, and loss of data. Decisions to save money short term can cost organizations much more over time.
Inefficient Processes
If you don’t have a plan and processes in place to respond to incidents with IT, this will increase downtime.
For example, as a small organization, you might have one internal IT staff member, and at some point, he finally gets a day off. On that day, one of your supervisors can’t access their email and is unaware that the IT staff person is on vacation. There was no backup plan put in place to support staff that day. The supervisor is now limited in what they can do, and their downtime and productivity will not only affect themselves but also others working with them.
Human Error
A recent survey found that 59 percent of respondents cited human error as the top cause of unplanned downtime — examples include:
Security Issues And Disasters
Cyber attacks are a daily concern. With more of us working from home and/or remotely, we have become more vulnerable to bad players that take advantage of any opening. Disasters, whether they are natural or caused by an attack, can be devastating to an organization. If no plan is in place the cost can be staggering.
As a leader in your organization, you can control all the above. Given how IT downtime can affect every aspect of an organization, it’s critical that the plans and processes are put in place to ensure you have reliable IT and minimal downtime.
Accelera IT Solutions can equip you with the best technology solutions available in order to keep your business’ infrastructure fast, reliable, and agile. When it comes to virtualization, cloud storage, and business continuity, there is no better solution than those offered by Prodatix and Veeam.
We equip our clients with SiloVault Series NAS devices, complete with robust Veeam software that will help to limit downtime. Get in touch with our team to discover more about the robust business continuity features we can deliver to you.